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Why is Lowell's the right place for you and your Toyota, Lexus, or Scion?
We've come up with several reasons that you might want to give us a try. This is just one of them.
Lowell's is Lexington's only mechanic on Mechanic Street.
While we like to joke that the street was named for Lowell's, it has been called Mechanic Street for nearly 200 years.
Records from 1818 (when "mechanic" was a term used to refer to a variety of skilled tradesmen) show Elisha Babcock -- a carriage maker! -- was Mechanic Street's only resident.
We like to think that we're doing a pretty good job keeping up Mr. Babcock's legacy!
This is just one of many reasons to choose Lowell's for your service. Click here to see over fifty more.